Take a right turn turn after crossing Big Wilson Stream Bridge: after a very short distance, you will see this sign on the left. The road to Onawa is hard packed gravel and in good condition at this time Rita relaine photo October 17, 2021
Onawa Lake public boat landing (notice the pavement) you will find the entrance to this on the drive to the parking lot used for trestle viewers. (illegal trestle viewers, that is) remember it's private property). Ritarelaine photo
Another view of Onawa Lake from the public boat landing
A broader view of the parking lot : the pubic boat landing is located where you can just get a glimpse of Onawa Lake in this picture. Notice that this area is so amazingly well-kept!
Fall leaves at the public boat landing Notice this bright colored bunch of leaves in the photo above (right side in background) Rita relaine photo
One lone boat at the public landing to Onawa Lake ( I was surprised that it was paved and looked civiized ( Ithought it would be a rough path to the water and quite barbaric 'cause this is such a wilderness spot)
This is a view of the railroad bed and a glimpse of Big Greenwood Pond that you may notice on your drive to the place where you will park your car for the walk to the trestle.
Fall leaves on a side path on the walk to the trestle. Rita relaine photo
The walk to the trestle is beautiful (I needed to be here around the 10th of October) Rita relaine photo
This picture shows off the ledge on the side of the tracks Walking to the trestle in this direction , you are heading toward Brownville Jct which is about 20 miles from here.
Another view of the walk to the trestle: I wore hiking boots which helped support my ankles so that I could walk easily on the tracks: I talked with a resident of this area so I knew the train had already passed through and wouldn't return return until early evening: yes, folks, the Canadian Pacific Railroad still uses this track, in fact, the train passes through here twice daily. The Canadian police have been warning people to get off the tracks (they travel in a well -marked white vehicle) I did not see them today. (I would have offered to take their picture) lol (or maybe they would have taken mine)
Looking back in the direction that I came from: tis the Canadian direction.
Getting close to the Onawa Trestle
Click on the picture to see how train tracks are made Rite relaine photo
A view of the Onawa Trestle that head toward Brownville Jct. Notice the railing and the walkway on the left. That makes a good place to walk because ya don't see between the cracks to the the depths below ( which is 130 feet high over the Ship Pond Stream Gorge) Oh, and the local fellow I spoke with said that someone was bungee jumping off the trestle recently) I wish I had been there to video that!
A view of Onawa Lake from the trestle Rita relaine photo (Twas a partly sunny day but while I was thereon the trestle it was cloudy) 🙁
Views of Onawa Lake here and below Rita relaine photo
Trees below the trestle
Onawa Trestle here and below Otober 2021 Rita relaine photo
Looking down at trees below from the trestle Rita relaine photo
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