Experience the Acadia LOOP!

This will most likely be your first stop before entering the park area; there is ample parking.
Note that the visitor center is 52 steps up
These steps take you on a "nature walk" (see the folliage on either side of the steps) up to the visitor center. 'Tis a most pleasant walk. Rita-relaine photo

The signage above can be seen on your walk up to the visitors’ center. (You can get an education on the way up and it might take your mind off the 52 step hike) lol

                                     Caring for the Cairns at Acadia

Frenchman Bay Acadia National Park Rita relaine photo
Frenchman Bay Acadia National Park
Scenic views seen from the loop. Rita-relaine photos
Ocean views Rita-relaine photos
Atlantic Ocean view Rita -relaine photo
Rita-relaine photo
Rita-relaine photo
The gift shop is not operational at this time.
Thunder hole: no thunder at this time Rita -relaine photo
Thunder Hole watchers 2021
More Thunder Hole watchers 2021
Thunder Hole 2021 Rita-relaine photo
The Jordan Pond Restaurant signage)
Natures' art in front of the Jordan Pond House Restaurant Rita-relaine photo
The outdoor eating area at Jordan Pond House (the Popovers are huge and deeelicious)
Rita-relaine photo
Carriage Road (about 12 feet wide)
Rita-relaine photo

                                   And then there are the  puffins 

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