Category: Other

In The Woods

Gift items made here are sold at In the Woods on Main Street Dover-Foxcroft and on Main St in Bar Harbor.

Hey Folks! It’s Fair-Time!!

Yummy! A fair is not a fair without French Fries!!! Rita relaine photo More food ! It’s getting better all the time!! Rita relaine photo I love Merry-go-Rounds for their “beauty” A work of...

Helios Horsepower Farm

This horse-powered farm is located on High St. Guilford, ME. a click on the picture will take you to information and pictures about this farm. You will also meet Billy, the primary horse for...

Once Upon A Theatre Part I

This a picture of a picture: not my photo A Bolero movie and I Am Suzanne! movie now playing! These are movies of the 1930s This movie theatre opened in 1931 and remained open...

Kenny U-Pull Bangor, ME

A view of cars on the lot at Kenny U-Pull Bangor, ME Cars waiting to be stripped for parts I believe Rita reaine photo The beginning of the end of a car’s “life” Enter:...

Bats? In Shirley, ME ??

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