Hand-Crafted Vintage Christmas Display: Foxcroft Academy, Dover-Foxcroft, ME
It’s coming SOON!
Technology has advanced in leaps and bounds since the 1950s when this display was hand-crafted. Just imagine, though, the delight of boys and girls who gazed at this marvel so long ago: the magic and wonder of Christmas right before their eyes!
The traditional Santa/reindeer display at Foxcroft Academy is being assembled Rita relaine photo
Did you ever wonder what makes this Christmas display work: I didn't think about it until I got up close to look at the hand-made Santa more closely. Pictured here is an old washing machine motor which powers Santa's reindeer.
Looks empty without the reindeer: (I was told that one of the reindeer was having "surgery" (Wonder if it was Rudolph" ) wish I had asked. Hope "surgery' went well because tomorrow is Dec 1st! Rita relaine photo
Wiring that connects all the pieces can be seen here and below (the reindeer go up tomorrow (Wed, Dec 1st)
Notice the spotlights on each side of the fence that will, along with hundreds of Christmas lights, light up this display. Rita relaine photo
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