Central Hall Dover-Foxcroft, ME Click on the picture for a link to a website that makes Central Hall come to life! Rita-relaine photo 2022
Ornate Letter Box Affixed to the right of the front door entrance Rita-relaine photo 2022
Scheduled events today at Central Hall Rita-relaine photo 2022
One of the two staircases leading to the balcony above. Rita relaine photo
Dining tables: the stage sets just to the left of those tables: Notice the piano in the upper corner Rita relaine photo 2022
The piano and table near the stage
Seating in the balcony directly facing the stage below. ( Notice what may be lighting equipment in front of the seats). Rita relaine photo 2022
Lighting fixtures on the ceiing above the balcony and theatre area below Rita relaine photo 2022
Another style of light: there is a white pole that appears to hang off a bulb. I don't know what it is , but you can see that the light is ever-so-charming in spite of the flawed picture.
Another view of the light ( I love lights and architecture)!! Rita relaine photo 2022
Seating on the right side of the balcony facing seats on the opposite side. ( You can see a piece of the stage just to the left of these chairs)
Looking across the balcony and to the floor below. The stage is directly opposite the windows. Rita relaine photo 2022
And all the world's a stage; the men and women merely players
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