Try this one out (currently being prepped for sale) It's a "van-truck" Now how cool is that! You're sure to catch attention with this unique buggy! Stop by and have a chat with Chip to see if this vehicle is the right fit for you!! Take a look at what steers this buggy in the pic below.
And you can't go wrong with the niftiest steering wheel on the block!
Entrance to Chip's Auto Store; the following pics are treasures found in this auto "curiosity" shop.
This picture and the following 2 pics are pictures of a pictures (not my photos)
The inscription reads: The Motometer Co. Inc. Long Island City, N.Y. U.S.A. Rita relaine photo
Note the date on this license plate Rita relaine photo
This was the original site of Cookson's Garage (now Chip's Auto Sales). It was located "up in a field area" early 1900's I believe.
The building pictured behind the ancient auto sets across from the garage above. This building was the office to the garage operation. The large covered section was once a window so that garage business would run smoothly I presume.
Notice that the cars are lined up neatly; notice also that the once field is now woods
Isn't that the cutest trunk you've ever seen (needs a little repair)
Guess someone didn't make it back to California in this buggy; tried to read the date on the plate but could not
Another junk yard gem
There are 400 junk yard gems: for $20 U.S. bucks you can browse through the back yard junk lot
This pic and those that follow are on the lot and "out of the woods"
Oh boy, this one is a sleek beauty!
Think this one is more photogenic from the side view It has style and grace (don't ya think)
Welcome to Mainehighlandsnmore! Explore the Maine woods, stroll down riverwalks, or drive with me through Maine towns. Your comments are welcome! Maybe you have a favorite post! or tell me about a place in Maine that you have been to or would like to visit!
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