Fresco Paintings: South Solon Meeting House

The building looks like a typical New England meeting house (called such because people met there to discuss town issues and to worship). But guys, wait ’till you walk inside! It’s another world: a beautiful one! Before moving on though, it’s interesting to note that people purchased their pews and the more wealthy people bought “front row” tickets so-to-speak. All is not fair my friends, in love and life, and meeting house pews!

A snippet of the information left at the entrance for visitor’s to browse through.

Entrance area to the meeting house.
Notice the doors to the pews with numbers on them.
A view of the pulpit and the fresco artwork!
A closer look at the pulpit with stairs on either side.
Another view of the pulpit: notice the simple, but beautiful balustrades.

A view of the pulpit from the choir loft. The fresco artwork is delightful!
Looking up at the choir loft: the organ is in the center.
The organ in the choir loft. Isn’t this a beauty! (There was an organ downstairs as well, but not nearly as handsome as this one.)

So, sad to leave you all in the choir loft, but leaving with a song in the heart and surrounded by art: not such a bad way to go, I think. Next time you’re out for a drive and can’t think of anywhere to go, remember South Solon and the meeting house nestled in the Maine countryside!

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