This Riverfront is an amazing tribute to the industries that once flourished in the Waterville area. I wondered right away Hmmmmm what falls?? Well so as not to keep you in suspense, it’s the Ticonic Falls.
So off I went, skipping down the path humming “follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road”, (remember Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz), but alas! it’s not yellow and it’s not brick. Oh well.

The highlight of the Riverfront is the /
Ticonic Bridge popularly known as the Two Cent Bridge pictured below. It is a pedestrian bridge and it’s only a hop, skip, and a jump across. And by the way, please don’t jump ! Sides have been put on this bridge because people were jumping off. omg. The bridge spans the Kennebec River from Waterville to Winslow.
Trust me! Walking across the bridge is not scary at all! I do marvel at the bravery of those who walked across the bridge in all kinds of Maine weather to go to work in the mill, the Hollingsworth and Whitney Paper Mill, that is. And, by the way, it cost them 2 precious pennies to walk across the bridge. Back in the early 1900s, 5 cents would buy a loaf of bread so you can see that 2 cents was a lot of money for them to spend!
There are numerous locks affixed to the steel grates on the side of the walkway; these locks were put there by young lovers. Wow, so much love around here!
The original railing was removed and the current railing installed in 2012. I just bet the original railing encouraged people to walk across carefully.
Oh, ” Watervillians” no, they weren’t villains, crossed the Kennebec to get to the Hollingsworth and Whitney factory.
How sad to see this massive structure sit so silent, so deserted.
I was never one to look back, I always looked forward, but I find that with each passing year, looking back provides a kind of satisfaction in seeing and knowing about “what was”, what made us who we are as a people. OMG enough of that crap! Let’s move on guys!!
As I walk you about a little bit, be assured there is more to this riverfront development than you may see or read about from me. I am showing you a few things that “touched” me like the concrete commemorative tile pictured below.

You can see my somewhat battered sneakers. But notice the tiles or rather tile that has an eternal remembrance etched in it.
One of several picnic tables overlooking the Kennebec River. Hmmm, what’s for lunch?
Holy smokes folks, you can get quite an education here, too!
This kinda looks like a
Lincoln Log (remember playing with Lincoln Logs as a kid) project that has gone awry.
It’s a short walk around this riverfront, but if you get thirsty, you’re in luck!
That’s all folks!
Remember the (no not the Alamo) the
Two cent Bridge!!
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