Views of Moosehead Lake (here and below) as seen from the Lily Bay Road in Greenville Rita relaine photo
Beaver Cove (here and below) Rita relaine photo
B52 Memorial can be seen along this route by taking an 8 mile drive up Elephant Mountain.
A sign along the 8 mile trip into the brush It is a long, slow drive on a bumpy, dirt road. I highly recommend an SUV for traveling to this spot. Rita relaine photo
A point of interest at Lily Bay State Park Rita relaine photo
Picnic area at Dunn Point Lily Bay State Park overlooking Moosehead Lake
Play equipment for kids at Dunn Point
More play equipment (see basketball hoop in background) Dunn Point Rita relaine photo
Boating fun on Moosehead Lake off Dunn Point Rita relaine photo and as always, enjoy the views along the way.
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