This amazing facility is located on the Airport road in Dexter, ME.
This 4-bay buiding is for recycling newspapers, cardboard, bottles, etc. The disposal containers and the building is clean/neat. Who would ever think that the rubbish business could be so tidy!
The building pictured above is likely to be your first stop; then it’s on to the main structure (pictured below) which is where one disposes of “rubbish”. The front side of this building has several bays so that people can back up into the building and “dump” their rubbish. (’twas a very busy rubbish day when I was there, so no pics of the front)
Pictured here is the side of the building above; if you look closely, you will see the "box" cars that are used for hauling the rubbish away.
This building is located just opposite the open bays on the "rubbish" building. Items such as computers, etc are put in here for disposal. There is a small fee for disposal of some items.
Entrance to the brush/tree and wood disposal section below
Brush pile
Brush and trees
A landscaped portion of the property.
Notice how neat even a pile of old tires can look.
Compost pile located in a more "woodsy" spot.
Now how could taking rubbish for disposal be a more eye catching experience than the above. Never thought rubbish could look so good! We are so fortunate to live in America! Click on the link for rubbish info from another part of the world.
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