Mount Hope Garden Cemetery

I love coming to this cemetery when I am feeling the need to be close to nature, that is, well landscaped nature and to marvel at the gravestones that are an absolute work of art. Have you ever looked at the new gravestones?! Well, let me tell you, they look mass produced (right out of the same mold so to speak) and about as artless as can be. Coming here replenishes my yearning for beauty. and the fallen before me are, too, a part of the beauty. There’s no beauty in death (though we all gotta go sometime), but oddly enough, I don’t think about death when I am here even though surrounded by it. Life goes on and so shall we!
So let’s get moving and tour some of the beauty at Mount Hope Garden Cemetery!

This garden cemetery beckons me to stroll along.

Nice fence! Keeping us out and them in!

Mount Hope Garden Cemetery: the nation’s second garden cemetery.
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