North New Portland’s Wire Bridge

The Wire Bridge North New Portland, Maine. You can even drive over the bridge to the other side (but who would want to) unless ya live over there somewhere (and I found out that people do live on the other side of the bridge. It was a busy day when I was there the first day after Spring arrived (2021) about 60 degrees OMG! No wonder people were outside Every year, the same thing! People in Maine are so excited for warmer weather after the winter they all can’t wait to get outside! Several cars barreled over the bridge while I was standing on it talking with someone. And no face mask and no social distancing! I felt as free as the water flowing (Carrabasset River) under the bridge and I loved it!! (And no I did not drive over the bridge!) Though my picture of this bridge is somewhat sorrowful , a click on the link will more than make up for the pic (bettcha it did!) lol That’s it folks! And always remember to Enjoy the views along the way.
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