Remember ice skating on ponds, bogs, and man-made outdoor skating rinks? Neighborhood kids got together and skated for hours! It took layers of clothes and thoughts of hot chocolate to keep us warm. Those were the days, my friends: I thought they’d never end.  But they did.                                                         Â
1049 West Main St Dover-Foxcroft, ME Rita relainie photo
In the entrance lobby, you'll find new and used skates for sale. I remember seeing ice skates for sale at a local hardware store many years ago. Owning a pair of figure skates was essential back them. Hmmm, I have a pair hanging in the garage. Maybe I'll try them out some day soon. The viewing area for spetators is on the second level: stairs and an elevator provide access to the areas below.
Restrooms and another eating area outside of the dining "room"
A small dining room on the second level above the seating area Rita relaine photo
Seating for 250 - 300 spectators Rita relaine photo
Another view of the seating area Rita relaine photo
The scoreboard/arena as seen from the second level. Rita relaine photo
Here and below: views of the arena Rita relaine photos
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