The Swingin’ Bridge

The simple country-path leading to the Swinging Bridge Click on the picture, then click on the Androscoggin Riverwalk Park link for more amazing pictures! Rita relaine photo May 2023
Views along the way, here and below. Rita relaine photo May 2023
The former Pejepscot Paper Company in Topsham on the shores of the Androscoggin River. Rita-relaine photo May 2023
The entrance to the Swinging Bridge in Topsham, ME
A view of the Androscoggin River from the Swinging Bridge. The Pejepsot Paper Company Mill is on the right. Rita relaine photo May 2023
A last view of the Androscoggin River from the Swinging Bridge. and always remember: enjoy the views along the way. Yours truly, Rita relaine May 2023

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